Who We Are

Who We Are

We are an Independent Baptist Church

A Church – We are a called out local assembly of baptized believers with Christ as our head, who join together in a covenant of faith, under the leadership of a Pastor, working in one accord to fulfill the purpose God has laid out for us (propagating the gospel, baptizing and discipling believers, and starting other churches) and to hold to the Distinctives we find in God’s Word. Matt. 4:18-22; 9:9,10 / Acts 2:27-42 / Col. 1:16-18 / Rom. 12:4,5

An Independent Church – We are not a part of any convention or national organization. Matt. 18:17 / Acts 1:15-26; 13:1-3

A Baptist Church – We are a Baptist Church because of a few simple but defining Biblical Distinctives. We feel it is important to uphold Biblical traits that would help clarify what kind of church we are. 

We believe in the following Baptist distinctives:

Biblical authority in all matters of faith and practice – You will not find visions, revelations, tongues, or extra Biblical “messages from God” at this Church.          Matt. 28:20a / II Tim. 3:16

Autonomy or self-governing power of the local church – Our church is completely self-governed outside of a denomination. Matt. 18:17 / Acts 1:15-26; 13:1-3

Priesthood of believers – Every believer has equal and instant access to God. This means that each believer is his own priest and has direct access to God’s truth and God’s will for his life. I Peter 2:5 / Eph. 2:18

Two officers within the church – This Church will have only two offices of leadership – Pastors and Deacons. Scripture refers to the office of pastor with terms such as elder, bishop, and pastor. It is the responsibility of the pastor to serve the church by leading, teaching, and overseeing the church work. It is the responsibility of deacons to serve the church family through assisting with care and the provision of special needs.     Phil 1:1 / I Tim. 3

Individual Soul Liberty – Every man and woman must choose personally to come to Christ for salvation.  I John 2:27 / Rom. 5:12-14

Separation of Church and State – The state should have no power to intervene in the free expression of religious liberty. Matt. 22:15-21 / Mark 12:17 / Acts 5:29

Two Ordinances - We practice two simple ordinances - baptism and the Lord's Supper. These ordinances have no part in salvation and only serve as pictures of what Christ did for us.         Acts 2:41,42

Security of the Believer - Salvation is a gift from God that cannot be taken away. When a person is saved, he is always saved. Nothing can separate him from eternal life in Christ and he can live with full assurance of Heaven as his future home.  Rom. 8:35-39 / Jude 1:24,25

Statement of Purpose

We as a body of born again baptized believers united by Bible doctrine exist to glorify God with our lifestyle and in our worship; we exist to go to the lost and dying world with the gospel; and we exist to grow in the grace of God, the knowledge of God’s Word, and in togetherness with our Christian brethren.

We exist to ...

Glorify God by incorporating God honoring worship, imitating Christ in our lifestyle, and issuing forth the praises of God. Ps. 86:12 / Is. 43:7 / I Cor. 10:31

Go with the Gospel by introducing people to the Lord Jesus Christ through Bible preaching, personal evangelism, and a missions program so that we impact our community and the regions beyond. Matt. 28:18-20 / Acts 1:8

Grow Together by including saved people in our loving church family through baptism, then instructing the believers in Bible doctrines, inspiring them to give their lives to Christ's service, and also involving them in church ministry. Acts 2:41-47 / I Peter 4:10 / Rom. 12:1,2

Our philosophy is that…

  • The church is the pillar and ground of the truth and is called to earnestly contend for the faith.
  • Fulfilling the Great Commission is the best way to build the church.
  • Bible preaching is the best way to convey the truth.
  • Soul-winning is God’s means of evangelizing the lost.
  • Every soul is precious to God including children, those devastated by sin, and the less fortunate, and we take our responsibility to reach them with the gospel seriously.
  • The family, an institution created by God, is the foundation for society and the entire family should be the focus of our ministry.
  • The Sunday School is the church organized to fulfill the purpose of the church.
  • Each member of the body of Christ is gifted by God to fulfill a purpose in His church.

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